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Unified National Service Hotline: +86-0510-85164770
Welcome to our website, Wuxi Huawen Machinery & Electronics Co.,ltd.Twister and spindles of a professional production company.
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Unified National Service Hotline: 


TEL:+86-510-  85581850


Foreign trade dept.: 

+86 15961718761

Customer Service

Deliver machines on schedule since the commencement of the contract, after send all the machines to the designated place for buyer, the supplier will arrange engineer to installation and commissioning until it's working well.

Service Qualification:
      All the buyers who have the formal invoice that issued by our company can enjoy our thoughtful and careful after-sales service.

Warranty Period:
      Warranty time for the whole machine is one year.
      The machine entered into warranty period since the date of acceptance. Our company provide all maintenance services for free during warranty period. (Except for damage caused by the man wrong operation)

Training Support:
      The supplier provide basic training for technical personnel about how to operate the textile machines according to the requirement of the buyer, and also make the technical guidance about regular inspection and maintenance and so on for the operator.

Service Response Time:
      Any issues arise for the machine, will be response within two hours, and our engineer will be send to the designated place for troubleshooting and for solving all the various questions within 48 hours.

Maintenance of the machine:
      The supplier provide training and guidance about operating, maintenance for fee during the warranty period. And making an on-site guidance to the operator about the knowledges of machine's performance, operation, use precautious, and maintenance and so on.
      After the end of warranty period, we will provide preferential prices for all spare parts of the machine, and also can ensure the priority delivery time.

Copyright ◎ 2012 Wuxi Huawen Machinery & Electronics Co.,ltd. All Rights Reserved.
Address: Lu'ou Road 22, Hudai Industrial Park, Wuxi City, Jiangsu, China Tel: 86-510-85164770 85581850
Fax: 86-510-85166741 Website:
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